Friday, March 12, 2010

Would rabbits mind if we used their hair to make felt? It is reusing a natural resource.?

Felt makes great boots and other clothing items, and it is reusing a natural resource. We've got the process on how to make felt from rabbits hair. Collecting fur from hedges, fences and along the ground is a bit time consuming. Would it be considered gouche for us to collect fur from rabbits old, unused nests for our felt making? It would be a real time saver, but we don't want to be rude.

Would rabbits mind if we used their hair to make felt? It is reusing a natural resource.?
Wow you must have great eyesight if you see a hair of a rabbit on a fenceline! LOL! Well I think the rabbits would be more willing to share their fur if minimum wage was higher and the benefits were better for workman's comp. I see why they aren't as willing to share. It's just like how the squirrels did, they went on strike cause they couldn't afford their nuts!
Reply:If you could do it like an Alpaca ranch it could be fun. Raise them well, care, feed and love them, then shear the fur for use. They will regrow the fur for another shearing.
Reply:well i think its ok just as long as the rabbits arent being mistreated
Reply:No I don't think so, thinking mainly from a human standpoint of donating body organs,to preserve life, and to give someone a chance to live a happier life. I believe rabbits would feel the same way as humans in the sense of It's no longer of any use to me so why not, if my body hair can help society LET'S DO IT!!
Reply:Considering felt is made from fur of dead rabbits, your way is more humane.
Reply:would you mind if we use your hair to make a wig
Reply:Well, I have heard of making yarn for sweaters out of dog hair, so I guess rabbit would work for felt. You might actually contact any rabbit farmers for any stray hair that they might have. You can get the dog hair from groomers.
Reply:Well where we get angora wool is from angora rabbits.

My bunnies don't seem to mind it when I get their fur. It's kind-a like a spa day for them they get all pretty and pampered when we shear them.

You can also make felt from lama fur, dog fur, cat fur and some goat fur.
Reply:who thinks of these things? is it ok if i use the hair from your hairbrush to make rope? no. i didn't think so. ew.
Reply:Sure just don't hurt em. ha, hair rope:-P
Reply:ha ha... you bet, go for it, make sure you get royalties from the earnings...
Reply:yes and no.

yes they would mind because you would taking away their warmth.

no because if rabbits are like sheep then they wouldn;t mind.

a rabbit is not a natural resource.
Reply:rabbit dont mind it as long as you dont cut the hair off the rabbit.,
Reply:If the rabbits truly have abandoned the nest then i don't think it would be a problem. As long as you are not "shaving" the hair from the bunnies, use the hair from old nests.
Reply:i don't think that they would give it a second thought.

but if you do by chance end up killing them(OOOPS)then please put the steaks on ice before you ship the fresh mistake to me.
Reply:i don't see anything wrong with it and the rabbits won't know what you are doing
Reply:I think it it is just wrong. Depriving Rabbits of there natural fur, that is inhumane.Even if they were kept inside cages that would still be in humane. I have seen those living conditions and they are horrible. Felt can be made a whole bunch of different ways; why take a cute rabbits fur because it is cheap? This is just sick and wrong,you are sick man,just plain sick to ask this question

Reply:Yes they will mind if we use there hair becuase if it gets cold they will need it

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