Friday, March 12, 2010

I think my cat is missing what do I do?

I think my cat has run away! My mom put him outside because he had to use the bathroom and it is now raining! I live in Lahaina, Maui and if you look it up on the internet you will see that there is a big Kona storm going on. He isn't anywhere! I found him as a stray cat so the vet doesn't know about him. He has no collar so they don't know if he is a stray or belongs to someone. He is grey with black stripes (like a tiger), green eyes, he has white on his paws and white boots on his hind legs, he also has white on his belly and chin. He is a very loving cat (ps he is almost kitten size but big) he will stick his face into your arm. I just put flea poisen on him so the fur on the back of his neck might be messed up. If anyone has advice for me let me know ASAP! Also if someone lives on Maui near Lahaina and see's him please take care of him and E-mail me at WindBlowsBubbles on yahoo mail, his name is Tibby %26amp; 1 last thing he has not been nutured yet.

I think my cat is missing what do I do?
Your cat is most likely alright. Cats hate rain so he is probably hiding somewhere sheltered to protect himself. How long has he been missing for? If it's less than 3 days I wouldn't worry, cats are born adventurers, plus you found him as a stray so this applies even more.

A similair thing happened to one of my cats. She was missing for two days and naturally I was freaking out, turns out she was under my neighbours house most likely because it was stormy.

Your cat is probably doing the same, he might even be under your house. Just remain calm, he'll come home soon.

When he does, get him microchipped so if someone finds him he gets sent back to you! Also give him a collar and a name tag with your phone number on it.

Good luck.
Reply:Dont jump to conclusions yet...kitty may be hiding out from the rain! If he doesn't return within 3 days you should put up some "LOST" flyer's with a photo of him...age...color...and phone number. Also keep some kitty food outside so he will eat if he returns and you dont find him right away..

Hope you get kitty back soon!
Reply:Call and report it to the local humane society. That way if he is found they will have a report and know who he belongs to. Try to give as much of a description as you can. Also bring a picture in if you have one.

You can also call the police. Some people will call the police when they find an animal instead of the humane soc.

You can also go the the area where your Mom put him down and try calling for him. Also bring a can of food or a can of treats to shake.

With him not neutered, he may be off doing the wild thing.

Good luck and I hope you find him. Next time i would suggest a leash or a cage. Most cats won't just sit there when you put them down outside.
Reply:Cats are very resourceful and he is probably hiding some place safe...out of the rain... Give it a day... Mean while go out call for him... put a dish of food out for him....Call for him "Here kitty kitty kitty... let him hear your voice.... do not give up.... How long has he been missing....? Put signs up...

Look in the drains pipes and gutters by the road... Under parked vehicles, in the bushes, sheds, under porches,and garages etc. Even check inside your house (My kitty got stuck in a linen closet)... anywhere he could hide... Even go out at night.... Good lucK!!!

I lost my cat a few years ago she was missing for over three days and finally she found her way back... Wet and a little skinny... My sister lost her cat for over 7 days.... We went out EVERYDAY several different times calling for her and she just showed up...My sister swears she showed up because she heard my voice...

Put up signs and hand out fliers in apartment complexes your neighbors describing him and a his name IF he comes for his name.... and give your phone # so people can call and say Hey I think I saw your cat near so-so... Call near by vets and also put fliers up at local vets and inform the Humane society.....

How long have you had the kitty??

Don' t give up.. Ok!!
Reply:put up wanted or lost signs
Reply:Not much you can do right now - I wouldn't worry too much though- cats are ninjas- it'll find somewhere to weather out the storm. If he hasn't shown up in a day or two, you could put some missing posters up - won't actualy help but it will make you feel better, then, about a day after you give it up for dead, it will wander in like nothing happened expecting to get fed- thats my experience of owning cats, anyway...

I hope you will find your cat soon, just look near house properly. Sometimes the lost cats come back home after having a big journey. What I would advise you in case you find him - you should install special chip into him - I did that. If ever my cat misses, I will find him with the help of a satellite. It is very convenient - and it won`t hurt your cat...

Maybe my advice is a little bit late... Anyway all the best in finding your cat!



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